“KOKO” Thai vegetarian cuisine

Food, Uncategorized

During the vegetarian season, it is quite hard for people to find a delicious vegetarian restaurant and people who want to try it often thinks that vegan meals are tasteless. But, this week I have a Thai and vegetarian restaurant called “Koko” to recommend to you guys, which will change your perspective on vegan food!

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Koko restaurant (Credit: Wongnai)

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Koko restaurant (Credit: Wongnai)

This restaurant has been open for almost 20 years. In the first three years of the business, they started with selling desserts. Later, it turned into a Thai cuisine restaurant that also offers vegetarian menus.

The idea of selling vegetarian meals started with the owner who’s a vegetarian herself, so she decided to learn the recipes from her mother and adjusted it into the unique flavor of the store. Later on, the restaurant’s cuisine became more and more popular, with more variety, and sells vegan diets as the main dishes throughout the year.

I was skeptical to try food from this place since I have never found a tasty vegetarian food. But, my friend is sensitive to Monosodium Glutamate or MSG, and she keeps on recommending this place to eat our lunch at Siam Square. So, I gave it a chance, and it wows me!



No MSG used at Koko restaurant

One of the things I like about this place is they do not put MSG in the food. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is commonly used as a flavor-enhancing food additive, and it is a popular ingredient to use in many Thai restaurants, which many believe it can cause allergy-like symptoms and side effects to the consumers.

According to verywell.com, they have stated that there is very little evidence that a true MSG allergy exists, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as an ingredient that’s “generally recognized as safe.” However, because its use has historically provoked controversy, the FDA requires food labels to list it as an ingredient to help people who are sensitive to MSG avoid it easier.

And here are different menus that I have tried from “Koko,” which I would like to share my thoughts on each of them with you guys! 

Fried oyster mushroom (นางฟ้าพิเศษ)

Light up thenight at promwith me?
In this first dish, the restaurant uses oyster mushroom as the main ingredients. They seasoned it, so it increased the flavor to the mushroom. Then, deep fried it until it turns into golden color.

Price: 110 THB

Rating: 8.5/10 – In my opinion, it is quite expensive for just a fried mushroom. However, the taste is fantastic! It is crispy and not greasy at all. Plus, the sweet plum sauce goes very well with this menu.


Spicy morning glory salad with shrimps (ยำผักบุ้งกุ้งสด)

Light up thenight at promwith me?-2

Light up thenight at promwith me?

This is a healthy dish suitable for you who wants a refreshing and delicious flavor since it is spicy, sour and flavourful at the same time! But, don’t worry if you cannot eat spicy food because the chef just sprinkles the chili at the side of the dish so that you can scoop the chili out.

Price: 120 THB

Rating: 9.5/10 – This dish is by far one of my favorites menus from this place! The ingredients, especially the shrimps are very fresh and tasty.


Fried rice with mushrooms and cashew nuts (ข้าวผัดเห็ดกับเม็ดมะม่วงหิมพานต์)

In this menu, there are cashew nuts and various types of mushrooms. The texture of the mushrooms is chewy, crunchy and soft at the same time, which creates an enjoyable texture when you are eating it.

Price: 90 THB

Rating: 8.5/10 – You may think it looks simple and has a plain taste, but it is not!


The restaurant is a single-story commercial building with air-conditioners. The area in the shop is quite small, which sometimes it can be overcrowded if it is a busy day. Also, there are parking spaces available at Siam Square, so it is convenient for customers who bring their cars.

Opening Hours

Open daily from 11.00AM – 21.30 PM (Kitchen closed at 21.00 PM)

How to get there

If traveling by BTS to Siam Station, take an exit at Exit 2 and walk to Siam Square Soi 3. Koko is opposite Chester’s Grill restaurant and has a very clear sign.

I hope my blog encourages you to try vegetarian food. It is not as plain and boring like we often see since we are young. Healthy food can be simultaneously delicious and nutritious, all you have to do is be more open-minded and try out something new!

See you guys next week 🙂