“KOKO” Thai vegetarian cuisine

Food, Uncategorized

During the vegetarian season, it is quite hard for people to find a delicious vegetarian restaurant and people who want to try it often thinks that vegan meals are tasteless. But, this week I have a Thai and vegetarian restaurant called “Koko” to recommend to you guys, which will change your perspective on vegan food!

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Koko restaurant (Credit: Wongnai)

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Koko restaurant (Credit: Wongnai)

This restaurant has been open for almost 20 years. In the first three years of the business, they started with selling desserts. Later, it turned into a Thai cuisine restaurant that also offers vegetarian menus.

The idea of selling vegetarian meals started with the owner who’s a vegetarian herself, so she decided to learn the recipes from her mother and adjusted it into the unique flavor of the store. Later on, the restaurant’s cuisine became more and more popular, with more variety, and sells vegan diets as the main dishes throughout the year.

I was skeptical to try food from this place since I have never found a tasty vegetarian food. But, my friend is sensitive to Monosodium Glutamate or MSG, and she keeps on recommending this place to eat our lunch at Siam Square. So, I gave it a chance, and it wows me!



No MSG used at Koko restaurant

One of the things I like about this place is they do not put MSG in the food. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is commonly used as a flavor-enhancing food additive, and it is a popular ingredient to use in many Thai restaurants, which many believe it can cause allergy-like symptoms and side effects to the consumers.

According to verywell.com, they have stated that there is very little evidence that a true MSG allergy exists, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as an ingredient that’s “generally recognized as safe.” However, because its use has historically provoked controversy, the FDA requires food labels to list it as an ingredient to help people who are sensitive to MSG avoid it easier.

And here are different menus that I have tried from “Koko,” which I would like to share my thoughts on each of them with you guys! 

Fried oyster mushroom (นางฟ้าพิเศษ)

Light up thenight at promwith me?
In this first dish, the restaurant uses oyster mushroom as the main ingredients. They seasoned it, so it increased the flavor to the mushroom. Then, deep fried it until it turns into golden color.

Price: 110 THB

Rating: 8.5/10 – In my opinion, it is quite expensive for just a fried mushroom. However, the taste is fantastic! It is crispy and not greasy at all. Plus, the sweet plum sauce goes very well with this menu.


Spicy morning glory salad with shrimps (ยำผักบุ้งกุ้งสด)

Light up thenight at promwith me?-2

Light up thenight at promwith me?

This is a healthy dish suitable for you who wants a refreshing and delicious flavor since it is spicy, sour and flavourful at the same time! But, don’t worry if you cannot eat spicy food because the chef just sprinkles the chili at the side of the dish so that you can scoop the chili out.

Price: 120 THB

Rating: 9.5/10 – This dish is by far one of my favorites menus from this place! The ingredients, especially the shrimps are very fresh and tasty.


Fried rice with mushrooms and cashew nuts (ข้าวผัดเห็ดกับเม็ดมะม่วงหิมพานต์)

In this menu, there are cashew nuts and various types of mushrooms. The texture of the mushrooms is chewy, crunchy and soft at the same time, which creates an enjoyable texture when you are eating it.

Price: 90 THB

Rating: 8.5/10 – You may think it looks simple and has a plain taste, but it is not!


The restaurant is a single-story commercial building with air-conditioners. The area in the shop is quite small, which sometimes it can be overcrowded if it is a busy day. Also, there are parking spaces available at Siam Square, so it is convenient for customers who bring their cars.

Opening Hours

Open daily from 11.00AM – 21.30 PM (Kitchen closed at 21.00 PM)

How to get there

If traveling by BTS to Siam Station, take an exit at Exit 2 and walk to Siam Square Soi 3. Koko is opposite Chester’s Grill restaurant and has a very clear sign.

I hope my blog encourages you to try vegetarian food. It is not as plain and boring like we often see since we are young. Healthy food can be simultaneously delicious and nutritious, all you have to do is be more open-minded and try out something new!

See you guys next week 🙂

Have a break, have some sandwiches!


Hello, welcome back to my blog guys! I hope you enjoy my blog from last week 🙂

Currently, 7-Eleven is coming out with many new food products, so it’s getting harder to keep up with all the new items. Also, I saw that sandwiches are one the products that have outstanding choices for the consumers to choose. So, in this week I will be reviewing three interesting sandwich flavors from 7-Eleven!

I decided to write about this topic because I think that in a day, especially in the morning, people need something that is convenient for them to purchase while they are in a rush hour. Sandwiches are one of the easiest and quickest breakfast or snacks that you can either make at home or buy it from convenience stores.


“Green curry with shrimp jasmine brown rice sandwich”


One of the most exciting products that I’m sure you have never seen it before is this green curry with shrimp jasmine brown rice sandwich. This sandwich is not a regular white flour sandwich, but there are small pieces of milled brown rice mixed and spread throughout the bread. Moreover, The filling’s texture is similar to a paste or a food spread, but they smell and taste the same as the regular green curry.

Personal opinion
– The taste of green curry does not go well with sandwich bread.
– There are not as many shrimp as expected (Like none :()
– The filling of the sandwich is like a green curry paste, which is a good thing because it doesn’t create messiness while eating it.
– For those who are afraid that it might be spicy, don’t be! It’s not spicy at all!

Price: 29 THB

Rating: 2.5/5


“Pork tonkatsu sandwich”


Next, for those who love to go to eat at a Japanese restaurant and often order pork tonkatsu. Then, you shouldn’t miss this “Pork tonkatsu sandwich!”

I enjoy eating pork tonkatsu so much! I’ll order it whenever I go to a Japanese restaurant. So, when I saw this sandwich at 7-Eleven, I was very excited and bought it immediately. In front of the package, it claims that the pork is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, and fill with a delicious traditional Japanese tonkatsu sauce. While I was waiting for the sandwich, I was able to detect the scent of the sauce. It smells so good, which makes me feel me more and more eager to try it! After I received it from the staff, I was surprised about the size of the pork. It was larger than what I expected and looks yummy!

Personal opinion
– It tastes delicious. I do recommend it for you guys to try it out!
– The pork wasn’t crispy like what they claim on the package, yet I do understand that it has been through the refrigerated process and there’s sauce inside it too, which might make it less crunchy.
– The amount of the meat and the sauce in the sandwich was worth it when comparing to the price.
– It is suitable for everyone who rarely has time to eat a proper meal in the rush hour because it is quick and convenient.

Price: 30 THB

Rating: 4/5


“Butter cake with Milo and condensed milk”


The last product that I’ll be talking about is the “Butter cake with Milo and condensed milk.” It is one of the newer items that caught my attention when I was choosing what to have for my breakfast because I saw several people recommended it on social media. Even though it’s not a sandwich, but I think it might be a more enjoyable food for you than just a plain butter cake. It may sound pretty simple. However, it tastes fantastic in my opinion! Anyone from young children to adults can enjoy this Milo butter cake.

Personal opinion
– I think that the butter cake itself is pretty soft and you can scent the butter in the cake. I highly recommend this to you guys!
– The amount of Milo powder and condensed milk is suitable for the whole butter cake.
– You should eat it while it’s fresh out of the toaster because the cake won’t taste good when it’s becoming colder.
– If you are someone who doesn’t like sweet, you can adjust the amount of Milo powder and condensed that satisfies your preference.

Price 32 THB

Rating 4.5/5

Finally, This is pretty much for all of the products that I wanted to suggest to you. I hope you found this blog useful when you’re deciding to purchase some foods from 7-Eleven. See you next week! 🙂







Enjoy a healthy lifestyle with foods from 7-Eleven!


Nowadays, health and fitness trends are gaining popularity among all groups of people, teenagers, working age and even elderly people. One of the important factors that spark the trends are celebrities and influencers on social media that go to the gym and gaining a great result. As a result, to be able to achieve the same goals as celebrities, people are starting to be more precise about their diets and exercise routines.

However, some people can get easily distracted and lose their tracks by seeing a selection of mouth-watering desserts and snacks when they are in the supermarket and also because healthy foods or snacks are quite pricey and inconvenient for some consumers to purchase in some areas.

So in this post, I will be suggesting a few of the healthy snacks that are quick and simple to eat, inexpensive and easy to find from 7-Eleven that will surely help keep you going and it will be fun to discover new healthy products during your diet routine!


“Diamond Grains”



Many of you have already heard or tried granola product from Diamond grains, but you guys might be wondering “what is granola?”

From the brand’s website, “granola” is made from different kinds of unpolished grains and baked until its crunchy. It is commonly eaten as a breakfast with milk or yogurt or eats as a snack. And there is also a wide range of flavors for the consumers to choose from. For example, hearty nutty,  matcha green tea, and double chocolate.

The benefits of granola are reducing cholesterol, preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, and the feeling of sugar craving or dough for those who want to maintain shape!

They also claims that their granola products do not put butter, milk, and egg. No wheat flour And any white flour and no sugar milling and preservatives. This means that it will be super healthy for you guys!

Price: 28 THB

Overall rating: 5/5 – I really enjoy this. The price is reasonable 😀 All of them taste delicious and it is really convenient for me to get ready quickly before going to university.





Banana is always my go-to whenever I’m at university or anywhere! They contain several essential nutrients, and have benefits for digestion, heart health. Aside from being very nutritious, they are also a highly convenient snack food because it is more effortless than buying a bunch of banana since it’s selling individually.

Price: 9 THB

Overall rating: 4.5/5 In my opinion, the price is quite expensive for one banana since a whole bunch of bananas in the fresh market is only about 20-30 THB. If you’re in a rush and want to grab something quick and easy, I highly recommend getting the bananas! 🙂


“Farm House Royal 12 Grain Bread”




Pound bread is considered as a simple food to consume, you don’t need to bake or cook it. You can create a lot of tasty menus with it, which is why it is the favorite source of carbohydrates of young children, teenagers, and adults. Nowadays, pound bread is available in various different types. But if you want to focus on health, it would have to be whole wheat and whole grain bread.

Is a whole grain bread that emphasise on the benefits of 12 types of cereal grains, which each of the different types of cereals have different benefits to the body. For example, Barley is high in fiber and it contains minerals, sodium, phosphorus, copper and manganese, which helps to reduce the chance of having a heart disease. Furthermore, Rye is a wheat plant. Europeans usually mixed rye into the bread, which adds the nutrition to the bread. It also contains a soluble fiber and low gluten, which keeps you feel full longer. Perfect for people who is trying lose weight!

Price: 35 THB

Overall rating: 4.5/5 The reason why I don’t give a full score because I personally doesn’t like whole wheat and whole grain bread. But I got to admit that it was really good, the bread is soft and I like the texture of the grains in the bread  🙂 Also, with this price, I totally think that it’s worth the money and very healthy for you guys!


“Paweenee’s nut butter”



Nut butter can be used in a variety of foods and sweets. It is a food that is high in protein and may be high in calories, but it is nutritious for your body!

Eventhough this is not a product in 7-Eleven, but I wanted to recommend this nut butter spread because it is super tasty when pairing it to the whole grain bread and banana!

Price: small size 95 THB & jumbo size 295 THB

Overall rating: 4.5/5 It is may be a little bit harder to find, but you can order it online and they can deliver it to you. At first, I thought that it won’t be good, but I was completely wrong!